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Psychological Injuries

Psychological Injuries

Cleveland Workplace Psychological Injury Attorneys

Often times individuals find that a serious or traumatic injury at work has behavioral health consequences. A workplace injury can develop into a mental illness, such as anxiety or depression. The stress of a traumatic injury alone may be enough to cause serious mental health issues. Some workers develop symptoms of depression or dysthymic disorder after a lengthy absence from the work force.

You miss time from work, require months of ongoing treatment, and can no longer engage in the activities or hobbies you enjoyed before your workplace injury. You may not be able to return to your job because of physical restrictions. At Wincek & DeRosa, we understand that this is enough to bring anyone down. Some injured workers may even require psychological or psychiatric counseling to help them return to work, or keep healthy enough to stay employed.

Thorough Psychiatric Illness Lawyers

In Ohio, those suffering from mental health issues are eligible for workers’ compensation if their problems resulted from a work-related injury or disease. If you developed depression or other mental health issues following your workplace injury, you may be eligible for additional benefits through workers’ compensation, including medical benefits such as treatment and medication.

The attorneys at Wincek & DeRosa are experienced helping injured workers get the mental health benefits they deserve. Please contact us today for a free consultation. We will help you evaluate whether you should apply for workers’ compensation benefits for your psychological condition. Even if you’re not eligible for workers’ compensation, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability because of your Mental Illness.

Free Consultation

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