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Personal Injury Do’s & Don’ts

Personal Injury Do’s & Don’ts

Personal Injury Do’s & Don’ts

When you are hurt because of another’s wrongdoing or negligence, it is critical you get advice from a lawyer as quickly as possible. Whether you are injured in an auto collision, or just because another person wasn’t being careful, contacting the attorneys at Wincek & DeRosa as soon as possible after your accident will help you get the best results.  However, there are other things you can do right away to protect your rights and increase your chances of recovering compensation:

  • Get the names and addresses of all persons, businesses or entities that are responsible for or caused your injuries;

  • Immediately write down everything you remember about the accident or injury;

  • Write down the details of any conversations you had with persons involved in the accident or injury, as well as anything you overheard those persons say;

  • Take photographs of the accident scene, the cars or objects involved in the accident or injury, and the injuries themselves (you can use your cell phone);

  • Preserve any evidence which shows who caused or is responsible for the accident or injury;

  • Be aware that insurance companies and attorneys monitor popular social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and information you post may be used against you later;

  • Get the names, addresses and telephone numbers of anybody who witnessed your accident or injury; and

  • Keep a daily diary of how the injury has affected you. This diary should include medical conditions and symptoms such as pain, soreness, swelling, and bruising. You should also write down if you miss work and lose wages, or can no longer perform normal activities such as cleaning or taking care of yourself. You should also take notes if you are under any emotional distress, including how you feel after your accident.

Finally, be aware that the law requires you to file a lawsuit within a certain time following your personal injury. You may be required to file as soon as one year after your accident. However, a lawyer will need time to investigate your case, so it is important you seek legal counsel as soon as possible.

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