Handling Severe Workplace Stress

Cleveland Attorneys Handling Severe Workplace Stress Claims
In some cases, workplace stress can take a very serious toll on an individual. An unrelenting supervisor, high-intensity physical work done with the wrong equipment or an overwhelming workload can lead to cardiac arrest or heart attack. Additionally, heart problems can occur as a side effect of treatment that was prescribed after a workplace injury.
It is important to note that this overwhelming work stress can have serious consequences. In today’s society, most everyone can argue that his or her stress is work-related. However, work-related heart attacks are usually linked to high-pressure, unusually large amounts of stress. Proving that your heart attack is a compensable or allowable workers’ compensation injury can be complicated. Our attorneys have decades of experience in this area.
Thorough Assessment Of Workplace Heart Attack Cases
At Wincek & DeRosa, our attorneys will take a careful look at your medical history and obtain all of the relevant medical records and applicable statements from co-workers. Your severe workplace stress claims will be reviewed by an experienced cardiologist who will help us determine the cause of your heart issues and whether stress was a factor.
Workers’ compensation was created to help cover lost wages, and we will help you understand which type of compensation is available to you. We are committed to helping our clients obtain the best outcome possible so they can focus on getting well physically while feeling secure financially. If your heart attack prevents you from return to your former position after you are well, we can help you qualify for vocational rehabilitation, which is covered under workers’ compensation.
While your employer and the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation should hold your best interests as a high priority, they often do not. We care deeply about our Northern Ohio clients, and we want to understand your goals and concerns for the future. We will tailor your case to your unique needs and give you the representation you deserve during this difficult time.